Optimizing NHSC loan repayment to recruit healthcare professionals

Krista Byrd and Ashley Johns at Project Reality

Recruiting healthcare staff can be a challenge. That’s why Project Reality promotes the National Health Service Corps (NHSC) loan repayment as a staff benefit when hiring. Project Reality has 5 tips for healthcare facilities to utilize incentives when recruiting providers.

“I discuss loan repayment opportunities in every interview so candidates know that working for us may help them qualify for this benefit,” says Lysa Scarano, HR partner at Project Reality. 

Project Reality’s 5 recruiting tips include:

  1. Advertising loan repayment as a staff benefit in job postings;
  2. Discussing student debt and educational interests during interviews and matching staff with available programs;
  3. Reminding current staff to apply to the National Health Service Corps during the loan repayment window; 
  4. Linking to loan repayment resources on the career section of their website;
  5. Offering flexible schedules for employees who pursue higher education.

Providers who desire to work with underserved populations may not always have the financial means to do so depending on reimbursement rates, student debt, and overall salary. Employers stand to benefit from promoting loan repayment as an incentive to improve recruitment and retention.

National Health Service Corps (NHSC) loan repayment is a federal program that can repay part or all of a qualifying provider’s school loan debt in exchange for a commitment to work with underserved populations at approved sites. NHSC site applications will open soon, and will be announced in the PCRH Rural Health Connect newsletter. Additional loan repayment opportunities are posted on the Office of Primary Care and Rural Health website. 

Project Reality is a nonprofit outpatient clinic for patients who struggle with substance use disorder and mental health challenges. Project Reality’s innovative model takes a holistic approach to treatments as they focus on the bio-psycho-social aspect of healthcare to improve each patient’s quality of life. Project Reality is committed to providing quality medical services to every individual regardless of financial, cultural and/or social barriers.